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Health Vocabulary


1. Health - The state of being well in the body.

2. Exercise - Physical activity for fitness.

3. Food - Edible substances for nourishment.

4. Sleep - Resting to rejuvenate the body.

5. Doctor - A medical professional.

6. Medicine - Treatment for illness.

7. Water - Essential liquid for life.

8. Cleanliness - Being free from dirt.

9. Vitamin - Nutrient for health.

10. Check-up - Medical examination.  

11. Cold -  A common illness causing sneezing and coughing.

12. Flu - Influenza, a more severe respiratory illness.

13. Cough - A sudden expulsion of air from the lungs.

14. Sneeze - A sudden, involuntary expulsion of air through the nose and mouth.

15. Fever - Elevated body temperature during illness.

16. Tissue - Soft paper used for nose blowing.

17. Rest - Taking a break for recovery.

18. Hydration - Drinking fluids for health.


1. Nutrition - The process of nourishing the body.

2. Wellness - Overall health and well-being.

3. Hygiene - Practices for cleanliness.

4. Stress - Mental or emotional strain.

5. Balance - Maintaining equilibrium in health.

6. Diet - Eating pattern for health.

7. Symptom - Indication of illness.

8. Fitness - Physical health and strength.

9. Prevention - Measures to avoid illness.

10. Treatment - Medical care for recovery.  

11. Congestion - Blockage or stuffiness in the nose.

12. Headache - Pain in the head often during illness.

13. Antibiotics - Medication for bacterial infections.

14. Immune System - Body's defense against illness.

15. Contagious - Easily spread from person to person.

16. Pharmacy - A place to purchase medicines.

17. Remedy - Treatment for a health issue.

18. Decongestant - Medication to relieve nasal congestion.

19. Virus - Microscopic infectious agent.

20. Inoculation - Vaccination for disease prevention.


1. Holistic - Addressing the whole person's health.

2. Endurance - Stamina and resistance to fatigue.

3. Immunization - Process of making immune.

4. Therapy - Treatment for mental health.

5. Metabolism - Body's chemical processes.

6. Rehabilitation - Restoration of health after injury.

7. Antioxidant - Substance preventing cell damage.

8. Homeostasis - Internal balance in the body.

9. Placebo - Inactive substance for research.

10. Epidemiology - Study of disease patterns.  

11. Respiratory - Relating to the respiratory system.

12. Pathogen - Microorganism causing disease.

13. Pandemic - Widespread global outbreak of disease.

14. Exacerbate - Make a situation worse.

15. Inflammation - Body's response to infection or injury.

16. Mucous - Slimy secretion from mucous membranes.

17. Ailment - Slight illness or disorder.

18. Immunocompromised - Weakened immune system.

19. Adverse - Undesirable or harmful effect.

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