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Personality Discussion Questions


Beginner Level:

1. How would you describe yourself in a few words?

2. Do you think you are a friendly person?

3. What are your favorite things to do in your free time?

4. Are you a patient person, or do you get impatient easily?

5. Do you prefer to spend time alone or with friends? Why?

6. What is your favorite type of music, and what does it say about your personality?

7. What do you think are important personality traits in a good friend?

8. Are you a calm person, or do you sometimes get angry or stressed? 

9. What makes you stressed, angry, or sad? 

10. How do you deal with stress?

11. Are you a confident person? Why or why not? 

12. Is it easy for you to make new friends? Why or why not?

13. How do you react when you meet new people for the first time? 

14. Describe your personality as a child, teenager, or adult. 


Intermediate Level:

1. What values and principles are most important to you? 

2. What kind of personality traits do you need to be a good leader? 

3. Describe the personality of someone famous who you admire. 

4. Do you like to try new things, or do you prefer having a routine? 

5. Do you make a good first impression? How so? What do you think most people’s first impression of you is? 

6. How has your personality evolved or changed over the years, and what influenced those changes?

7. Do you believe that people can change their personalities or certain aspects of their behavior? Why or why not?

8. What would you like to change about your personality?

9. What personality traits do you look for in a romantic partner? Why?

10. What’s the best way to cheer yourself up after having a bad day? Why? 

11. Do you believe in Astrology? Why or why not? Do you think there is any truth about astrology and its descriptions of people’s personality and behavior? 

12. What things do you find frustrating, irritating, or stupid? 

13. Do you use social media? Does your profile reflect your personality? 

14. Do you think a lot of people tend to be ‘fake’ on social media? How so?

Advanced Level:

1. Can you describe a time when you had to work with someone whose personality clashed with yours? How did you handle it?

2. Do you think people from certain cultures have certain personality traits? How so?

3. Are you more introverted or extroverted, and how does this affect your social interactions and personal life?

4. Describe a role model or a person whose personality you admire, and explain what you find inspiring about them.

5. Do you believe nature (genetics) or nurture (environment) shapes an individual's personality?

6. How did your childhood and early experiences shape your personality?

7. Do you believe opposites attract (people with opposite personalities or interests liking one another)?

8. Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive, superstitious, or neurotic kind of person?

9. Do you have good emotional intelligence? Can you feel how other people are feeling?

10. Have you ever felt pressured to change your personality to fit in with a crowd? Explain. 

11. Do you believe people who are more beautiful are less interesting or have less personality than people who are not so beautiful? 

12. Do you believe in 'pretty privilege’? Is beauty more important than personality?

13. How would you describe the dominant personality traits of your generation? Why?  

14. Has social media had any affect on people’s personality? How so?

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